Michele Tsihlas

   Wellness and Lifestyle Coach
   C-IAYT Yoga Therapist - E-RYT 500 Yoga Instructor
   Yoga Teacher & Yoga Therapist Trainer YACEP
   Meditation Teacher - Spiritual Counseling
   Cosmetologist - Aromatherapist


My mission is to help people live fulfilled, authentic lives that reflect their passions and values and feel good doing it. So I'm here to motivate you to take a stand for the quality of your life – and get somewhere. Somewhere good, where you wake up feeling well and experience it in all aspects of your life, your quality of life permanently increased.

To move you to health and wellness and provide effective guidance and support on your journey. To provide lifestyle coaching, which will get you on a successful path to achieve your goals.

As a lifestyle coach and wellness professional, I am passionate about, and dedicated to, the pursuit of health and fitness from the inside out. To help you achieve goals with a combination of sound nutrition, exercise, education and fun. I design your wellness program around your individual requirements and provide you with the expert knowledge, coaching and motivation to keep you on track. Each of us comes into this world with a unique set of gifts and talents. It is through these gifts and talents that we can not only bring the greatest level of fulfillment and wellness into our lives, but also make our greatest contribution.


Consistently feeling good, inside and out, is wellness to me. Lasting wellness requires a holistic approach, from the inside out, taking the best from holistic medicine. Anxiety, health conditions and food issues are symptoms and of themselves need addressing. What if you had the mental and emotional tools no one ever taught you, so that you could “run your own brain and feelings” in ways that support, rather than tyrannize you? If you are reading this with enthusiasm then you are someone looking for a way more permanent than a quick “fix” to your problem and create all the positive changes that you want, then do consider contacting me TODAY.

Having a lifestyle coach is that support. It can mean the difference to you between yo-yo diets and mood swings to long term health and having the vitality and energy that you want. Equally important, it provides you the tools to be truly free for a lifetime!


Help you discover who you are and what really motivates you. Set and achieve proactive, powerful goals rather than just reacting to life. Motivate you to create the results in your life that you want.
Enabling you to follow your passions, priorities and to use your talents. Be a true supportive partner throughout the process to assure that you achieve your goals.
Unleash the powers within you, to accomplish more than you ever thought possible.


That we can all choose to live lives that are fulfilling and happy. In order to do that, we need to break through old belief systems that life is a struggle, work has to be hard or tedious, happiness is elusive, we’re victims of our circumstances, we don’t deserve it or we’re not good enough in one way or another. I facilitate people to create new, positive beliefs that empower them to craft fun and successful lives.


None right or wrong, too big or too small. One of my passions is to encourage and support others to follow their desires and dreams despite the discouraging messages they’ve received throughout their lives. I strongly believe that if we feel a burning desire to do something, there is a reason for it – one that may not become clear to until sometime later in our future. We each have unique gifts that we bring to the world, and our desires lead us to express those gifts. In the process, we uncover hidden talents and develop new ones. I, personally, have found success in areas that I was attracted to, but in which I was considered to lack “what it takes”. A lot of us get stuck in our past – who we once were, what people defined us as – and we limit what we can do in the present and the future. By dropping the baggage of our past and detaching from old outdated beliefs, we free ourselves, empowered to live the future we dream of.


I share tools that enhance your awareness knowing that with awareness comes truth. Once you own, how you physically feel, what you desire and are driven by, and who you truly are, the possibilities are boundless. Truly boundless. You have the power to achieve just about anything by owning your truth.


We’re living in a changing world where self-fulfillment and expressing our gifts and talents –- in other words, bringing meaning and purpose to our lives—is becoming a priority, even over acquiring wealth or status. Truly fulfilled and healthy lives are always successful. Many of us are still trying to find a way out of the old paradigm into the new. I get great joy and reward supporting others as they find their way through this transition into a new. I use a systematic and an intuitive approach to find a formula for you to live a more enjoyable life, to live well, to live your dreams.


Remember results take time. I educate and enable you with the tools that will help you make permanent positive lifestyle changes. You are never too old or too young to begin living well and feeling vivacious.